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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 01 (2022)

The Impacts of Physical Exercises, Dynamic Activities and Isometric Exercises on Intraocular Pressure of Eye: A Review

Pages : 3-14, doi:

Author : Sayma Ilyas, Areeb Rehmani, Tara Rani, Labishetty Sai Charan, Dr. Kamal Pant and Salal Khan

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To review the effects of exercise and other physical activities on intraocular pressure, which can lead to glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve. This can help in the prognosis in the early stages of glaucoma. Intraocular pressure reduction is currently the only treatment available for decreasing the risk of glaucoma progression so it is important to find additional ways to control it. This was the Perspective study after a literature review and Analysis of pertinent publications in the peer-reviewed literature. In this study, various findings have shown that intraocular pressure can be decreased or raised depending on the workouts and activities performed. Although we have not compared the amount of IOP drop or rise in different workouts, a general concept of which exercise/activity is beneficial or risky for glaucoma patients may be derived. When compared to isometric workouts, dynamic exercise has a greater effect on lowering IOP. The relative intensity of the exercise is the metric that most closely corresponds to the IOP-lowering impact. Activities including bungee jumping, yoga in a head-down posture, swimming goggles, and coffee ingestion soon before exercise, on the other hand, have been demonstrated to elevate IOP readings. Valsalva Maneuver performed soon after a hard workout can offset the activity’s IOP-reducing effect. To avoid additional glaucomatous damage, glaucoma patients should avoid these activities that raise IOP.

Keywords: Intraocular pressure, Exercise, Activities, Eye Health, Circadian cycle, Optometry


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