News Updates Wednesday 9th Oct 2024 :
  • Welcome to IJMAHS - International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences
  • Submit your manuscripts for upcoming Vol-4, Issue-3 (July - September 2024)
  • Quick processing and publication of manuscript
  • Communication of decision on manuscript: 1-2 weeks
  • No Article Processing Charges (APC) for current issue
All articles will be given DOI
Fast Processing and Publication
Plagiarism free publishing
Fast processing and publication of article

Manuscripts Submission Template

Manuscripts Submission Template:

Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with “Uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals” developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (October 2006). The uniform requirements and specific requirement of International Journal of Medical and allied Health Sciences. Before submitting a manuscript, contributors are requested to check for the latest instructions available. Instructions are also available from the website of the journal ( and from the manuscript submission site.

Template for manuscript


In time of local and global stress, carrying on researching and publishing is difficult. International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences [IJMAHS] has been started keeping in mind the highly increasing demand of outcome from medical and allied health science research globally. IJMAHS is a peer reviewed open access journal that provides a platform for original research in the field of medical and allied health sciences.