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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 04 (2022)

Quality Control Challenges and Vaccine Manufacturing

Pages : 85-87, doi:

Author : Sweta S. Kumar, Bhagat Singh, Rishi Kumar Singh, Ramakant Yadav, Shashidhar Mehta and Harsh Pratap Singh

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Every year vaccines save millions of lives worldwide resulting in development of global health. The mechanism how vaccines work can be understood that they stimulate or induce the host cells responsible for natural defence system thereby our body can recognize and fight off the target microorganisms including viruses and bacteria. After vaccination once immunity is established, further exposure is detected by immune cells ready to fight disease-causing microorganisms targeted for, and hence preventing from developing sever illness. For helping people by preventing from about 20 disease that could be life threatening, vaccines are available. Immunization is preventing about 3.5-5 million deaths every year. WHO immunization agenda 2030 (IA2030) have the vision and strategy for the decade 2021-2030 for vaccines and immunization.

Keywords: Vaccine, mRNA and pDNA Vaccines, Vector vaccine, Quality control


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