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Article Published In Vol. 01, Issue 01, (2021)

Prevalence of UTI in Different Age Groups and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Isolates

Pages : 29-31, doi:

Author : Varun Kumar Tomer, Vaishali Dhama, Stuti Kaushik, Mahesh Kumar, Bhagat Singh, Reena Panwar and Renu Singh

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) has become major infection mainly caused by bacteria. It is second most common reason for empirical antibiotic treatment. About 150 million population is suffering from UTI worldwide annually. Distribution and susceptibility of uropathogens changes according to living conditions, hygiene status of affected people, morphology, place and sometimes environmental conditions.


This study aimed to find out occurrence of UTI in among age groups of rural population and to find out antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of isolates.

Materials and Methods:          

During this study total 422 patients of age ranging from 2- 86 years from different wards of the Rama medical college, Hospital and Research Center, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India, was observed from January to June 2021.  Morphology, Staining, Motility, Biochemical test and antimicrobial susceptibility test were performed.


It was observed that about 18.48% patients were found positive with UTI. The prevalence was observed high i.e. 71.79% in females while in males it was 28.20% with age group 20-40 and 40-60 respectively. There were 30.76% Gram positive cocci, 65.38% Gram negative bacilli and 3.84% Candida species were isolated. Major isolate was Escherichia coli (32.05%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae was found 20.51%. Escherichia coli was found susceptible to Fosfomycin and Meropenem and most resistant to Cefazolin.


The positivity rate of urine culture was found to be 18.48 %. The most common isolate was E. coli (32.05 %) and Klebsiella spp. (20.51%). E. coli was most susceptible to Meropenem and Fosfomycin and most resistance to Cefazolin.

Keywords: Urinary tract infection (UTI), Pathogens, Antibiotic susceptibility test (AST)


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