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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 03 (2022)

MRI evaluation of suspected malignant bone tumors with their histopathological correlation

Pages : 61-68, doi:

Author : Lovely Kaushal, Swati Goyal and Gopika M. G.

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Background: Bone tumors and other lesions like tumors need to be diagnosed in early stage, they require more than one imaging modality, which incorporates conventional radiography, bone scintigraphy, CT, MRI and PET. Aim: (1) To determine the imaging characteristics of different malignant bone tumors (2) To evaluate the role of MRI in suspected malignant bone tumors with their histopathology correlation. Methodology: This was a hospital based cross sectional study enrolling 58 participants over the duration of November 2019 to September 2021. All patients with suspected malignant bone tumor were included in the study. Information on basic details and investigations were noted. Data collection and analysis was done. Results: Mean age of study participants was 39.56±20.31 years. 63.7% were male, 44.8% cases reported vertebra as site of lesion involvement. MRI observed epiphyseal involvement (81.1%), cortical involvement (89.7%), joint involvement (15.5%) and neurovascular involvement (13.7%) at the site of lesion. Sensitivity of MRI was maximum for osteosarcoma (91.67%) followed by chondrosarcoma, metastasis, Ewing’s sarcoma, and Multiple myeloma. The diagnostic accuracy was above 90% for osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, wings sarcoma and multiple myeloma. Conclusion: MRI is one the important investigations should be done if we are clinically suspecting a malignancy. Adequate knowledge of all these findings will aid in orthopaedist’s level of confidence which further helps in therapy planning.

Keywords: Bone tumors, cross sectional study, sensitivity, diagnostic accuracy.


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