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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 04 (2022)

Hospital Acquired Infection in India – A Meta-Analysis

Pages : 88-91, doi:

Author : Parul Yadav, Mohd Saquib, Ausaf Ahmad and Jyoti Yadav

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Aim: Present study was carried out to find out the prevalence of hospital acquired infection. Material and Methods: Standard protocol for systematic literature review from published data from different authors on hospital acquired infection was studied and analysed. Latest data were included in present study. Duration of research: Present research was carried out at department of microbiology integral institute of medical sciences & research Integral University dasauli, kursi road, lucknow from 15/01/2022 to 15/07/2022. Results: During the study period, the hospital acquired infection rate was 33.33% moreover developing country is having high prevalence of the infection. Conclusion: Hospital acquired infection is a major risk for the person specially with low immune response and for elders. One must take preventive care while visiting to hospital for treatment or to visit any patient being treated in hospital.

Keywords: Nosocomial Infections, Hospital-Acquired Infections, Healthcare Safety


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