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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 04 (2022)

Hair and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorder in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Northern India

Pages : 92-95, doi:

Author : Sweta S. Kumar, Bhagat Singh, Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kannaujia

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Aim of the study: This study was carried out to find out the prevalence of various hair and subcutaneous tissue disorder in a tertiary care hospital in Northern India. Material and Methods: – An observational community-based study was carried in the department of dermatology, Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah. Both male and female of different age groups belonging to different socioeconomic status, having symptoms of hair and subcutaneous tissue were taken for study. Inclusion criteria: person having sign of skin disease were included in the study Exclusion criteria: person who did not shown any sign of skin disease were excluded in the study Results: Our study showed that majority, 1349 out of 2562, (about 52%) patients were having lower, 776 middle (30.28%), while 437 (17.05%) patients were belonging to upper economic group. Majority of patients 643 (25.09%) were unemployed followed by laborers 570 (22.24%) while least number of patients were athletes 113 (4.41%). Alopecia Areata (AA) was major cause of hair disorder about 13.15% followed by T. capitis 4.41%, diffuse alopecia 4.25%, psoriatic scalp 3.78% and rest 8.39% was miscellaneous. Conclusion: Socioeconomic status of population also has impact on occurrence of skin and subcutaneous tissue infection as the number of incidences in lower income group was found to be three time higher as compared to upper income group patients. Care and early treatment should be taken to avoid deep tissue involvement during skin infection.

Keywords: Skin disease, Eczema, Fungal infection, and Contact Dermatitis (CD)


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