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Article Published In Vol. 01, Issue 01, (2021)

Evaluation of a relation of convergence insufficiency with error of refraction in a Rural Hospital set-up

Pages : 20-23, doi:

Author : Narendra Kumar and Kamal Pant

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The study was conducted to know a relation of convergence insufficiency with error of refraction in a Rural Hospital set-up

A cross-sectional study and randomized selection of sample was conducted to determine the Convergence insufficiency using different subjective techniques in subjects of age (20-30years) in UPUMS saifai, Etawah. Subjects of age of 20-30 years of age were included in the initial screening for measuring visual acuity. The subjects emmetropes or ametropes with BCVA, Best Corrected Visual Acuity of 6/6 -6/9 in both eyes were only included while subjects having history of any ocular or systemic pathology affecting VA were excluded. Data collected was recorded and statistical calculations were done.

Out of sample population (47% males and 53% females with mean age of 10.04 years), 16% were significantly affected with CI including emmetropes, myopes, hypermetropes & astigmats. In this study, the prevalence of Moderate CI & Severe CI was 10% & 6% respectively while the prevalence of REs was Myopic astigmatism=53%, Myopia =19%, Hypermetropic astigmatism =11%, emmetropic =10%, Hypermetropic =4% & Mixed astigmatism =3%. Significant amount of association was found between CI and Myopia.

Both CI and REs were shown to have very high prevalence (in particular CI and myopia). The results of this study are surely going to benefit the researchers in comprehending the relation of CI with REs. The study pointed on the necessity of visual screening for REs as well as CI of students at institution platform. It is essential to identify the subject prone to, referral for further investigation and management before the development of any symptom in order to prevent convergence insufficiency related anomalies.

Keywords: Refractive error, Convergence Insufficiency, Rural, Convergence Anomalies, Prevalence


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