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Article Published In Vol. 01, Issue 01, (2021)

Emerging Spectroscopy Techniques for Detection of Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Review

Pages : 9-14, doi:

Author : Reha Panigrahi and Nazar Hussain

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With the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) global outbreak in December 2019 and its unprecedented impact on society, health, and economy, it has become imperative to detect it earliest and prevent further escalation. At present, there have already been several detection techniques, including rapid antigen or antibody tests, immunoenzymatically serological tests, and molecular qRT-PCR tests, are widely used. Although these are exceptionally reliable diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of COVID- 19 effectively and accurately, all these techniques have some limitations. Therefore, intensive research is going on for the instant, specific and sensitive detection of COVID-19 using a varied approach. There has been a growing interest in spectroscopic techniques to use as a biomedical tool for the early diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19. In this review article, apart from these conventional methods, we have summarized recently developed spectroscopy techniques to detect COVID-19.

Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, RT-PCR, NAATs, Spectroscopy, Antigen


In time of local and global stress, carrying on researching and publishing is difficult. International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences [IJMAHS] has been started keeping in mind the highly increasing demand of outcome from medical and allied health science research globally. IJMAHS is a peer reviewed open access journal that provides a platform for original research in the field of medical and allied health sciences.