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Article Published In Vol. 01, Issue 01, (2021)

Diagnosis of HCV Infection Using Different Rapid Methods, ELISA and Anti HCV Test

Pages : 32-34, doi:

Author : Varun Kumar Tomer, Sonia, Bhagat Singh Mahesh Kumar, Stuti Kaushike, Reena Panwar and Renu Singh

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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) mainly cause liver associated problem worldwide. Most of the affected people develop liver cirrhosis which develop as a major health issue.


This study aimed towards HCV infection in rural population in India.

Materials and Methods:

This study was conducted at Rama Medical College and Research Centre over a period of 6 months from 1 January to 30 June, 2021. A total of 721 patients of age between (1 – 85) years were screened and checked for presence of anti-HCV antibody using ELISA and Immunochromatography test.


A total of 53 (7.35%) from 721 samples were positive 26 (49.05%) male and 27 (50.9%) females using Immunochromatography test, and then these 53 positive samples were further tested by ELISA as confirmatory test. Out of 53 samples 48 samples were found true positive while 5 samples were found false positive.


HCV Infection in this study was found 6.65% in rural area in Hapur District of Utter Pradesh. Disease mostly observed in elder person (50-65) then younger ones. About 49.05 % males and 50.9 % female were found positive.

Keywords: HCV, Immunochromatography test, ELISA


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