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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 03 (2022)

Chronology of Corona Virus SARS‐CoV‐2 During First Wave in India

Pages : 69-72, doi:

Author : Bhagat Singh, Pankaj Kumar, Sweta S. Kumar and Renu Singh

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The recent COVID-19 pandemic outbreak had a great impact Worldwide. In India only initial sis months phase chronology has been discussed here while it was reported in China’s Wuhan, and about 1,479,265 cases and 33,436 deaths were observed while 950,347 recovered till 27/07/2020 including all states and union territories. The timeline of Covid-19 events has been summarizing since provision of lockdown was implicated. In order to check the spread the highly contagious disease first Lock down covering almost all states was imposed in the month of March 24 2020. Since then, the cases continue to increase day by day resulted to put India on third position after US and Brazil among worst affected nations across the world very soon. Recovery rate was very high in India i.e., 96.55% while death rate 3.45%. In this review we have summarized COVID-19 size and diversity in different states especially highly affected in India. We find that Maharashtra is most affected state with 375799 cases while Tamil Nadu with 213723 cases is on second and Delhi is on third position with 130606 covid-19 cases till 27/07/2020 and number of deceased in Maharashtra 13656 Tamil Nadu 3494 and Delhi-3827 respectively. While till 22 April 2020 Maharashtra remain on first position with highest no 5229 cases, Gujarat with 2407 cases was on second and Delhi 2248 remain on third position and Tamil Nadu with 1596 cases was on fifth position indicating the graph of cases in Tamil Nadu has grown very fast during April to July 2020. Since January 2020 up to 18 March 2022 43,004,005 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been confirmed while 516,281 deaths have been reported in India only.

Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus in India, SARS-CoV-2


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