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Article Published In Vol. 03, Issue 04 (2023)

Care and Handling of Laboratory Experimental Animals: A Comprehensive Review

Pages : 75-83

Author : Bhagat Singh*, Shivam Prajapati, Sandhya, Ratnesh, Shivangi Soni, Ranjeet Singh

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Animals are used to learn about living things and the disease that harm humans and other animals. In today’s modern technology era, it is possible to obtain information by studying or experimenting on same particular animals.

When a new drug, drug dosage, surgery, diagnostic technique is developed, society or the laboratory science technicians them self considers it unethical to use that drug or technique in humans because it is likely to cause harm rather than benefits if not properly taken care all the procedure needed. The drug or technology is tested on animals to make sure it is safe and effective. Similarly, by studying in this field, we get many things like biological information about the behaviour of animals, their preferred environment, food habit, lifestyle and others.

Keywords: Care, Handling, Cage, Temperature, Ventilation, Diet, Fluid, Humidity, Prevention of diseases, Cleanliness etc.


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