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Article Published In Vol. 02, Issue 04 (2022)

Bacteriological Profile of Blood Culture in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Northern India

Pages : 96-100, doi:

Author : Shashi Kala Kharwar, Shadma Yaqoob and Sana Siddique

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Aim of the study: This study was carried out to find out the prevalence of bacteriological profile of blood culture in Northern India. Material and Methods: – Present cross-sectional study was carried in the Department Microbiology, Era’s Lucknow Medical college and Hospital, Lucknow. A total of 638 patients with clinically diagnosed bloodstream infections (BSIs) were included in the study using a standard sampling procedure. As the result, 638 blood culture samples from Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, were collected and investigated in the Department of Medical Microbiology laboratory. Inclusion criteria: All blood samples from patients with suspected bloodstream infections (BSI) who were admitted in the Tertiary Care Hospital were included. Exclusion criteria: Blood samples from BSI patients with a history of antimicrobial therapy prior to sample collection were excluded. Results: Among 638 sample, 90 (14.10%) samples were pathogenic. The gram-positive organism were 34 (37.78%) and gram-negative organism were 56(62.22%). In this study most commonly identified gram-negative bacteria were Klebsiella species. (31.11%), Escherichia coli (26.67%), Pseudomonas species. (3.33%), Acinetobacter species. (1.11%) and among gram-positive were Coagulase- Negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) (27.78%), Enterococcus species (6.67%), Staphylococcus species. (3.33%) Conclusion: In our study Klebsiella species & E. coli among gram-negative bacteria, CoNS & Staphylococcus aureus among gram-positive were the predominant blood borne pathogens in all age group and both sexes.

Keywords: Blood stream infection (BSI), Bacteremia, Septicemia and Pathogenic Bacteria


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