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Article Published In Vol. 01, Issue 02 (2021)

Applications of Particle Accelerators in Various Industries and Biophysics-A Review

Pages : 40-43, doi:

Author : Harsh Pratap Singh and Mahesh Kumar

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Ion implantation is still one of the most sustainable and reliable methods for incorporating a useful amount of one material in another. Particle accelerators have a wide range of applications in various industries and fields of science, including biophysics. In this review, we will explore some of the main uses of particle accelerators in different industries and how they are applied in biophysics research. Medical institutions and hospitals particle accelerators are commonly used for radiation therapy, which is a common treatment for cancer. In this process, high-energy particles are directed at cancer cells to destroy them while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. The most commonly used particle accelerators for medical radiation therapy are linear accelerators (LINACs). There is a clear movement to plasma implantation for modern device structures. Aerospace Industry Particle accelerators are also used in the aerospace industry for testing and research. For example, particle accelerators can be used to simulate the effects of cosmic radiation on spacecraft and electronic equipment. This helps engineers design spacecraft that can withstand the harsh radiation environment of space.

Keywords: Particle Accelerators, Biophysics, Radiation therapy


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