About the Journal
International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences [IJMAHS] has been started keeping in mind the highly increasing demand of outcome from medical and allied health science research globally. International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences is a peer reviewed open access journal that provides a platform for original research in the field of medical and allied health sciences. Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic have provided a wealth of data that need to be set in context to spread, diagnosis of etiological agent, pathogenicity and preventive measures of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The interaction between pathogen and its receptor cell is very interestingly important and to understand for proper prevention and control of diseases caused by microbial pathogens. International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences publishes original research and review articles, mini- reviews, case studies in the field of medical and allied health sciences. All submitted Manuscripts are peer-reviewed prior to a possible decision on acceptance for publication. To support you with continuing your regular publishing research activities as far as possible, we offer here a resource that you might find helpful.
Aim and Scope of the Journal
Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities, and society by promoting excellence in publishing translational research in the field of medical and allied health sciences and prevention of infectious and other diseases. International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed open access online journal that provides a medium for rapid publication of innovative research in the field of medical and allied health sciences. The journal covers broad spectrum of medical topical catering to the academic needs of health profession including physicians, doctors, surgeons, community health workers, providers of community obstetrical & pediatric care, emergency physicians, occupational physicians and public health specialist’s researcher in medical field including Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pathology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. The journal invites contributions/original article from researchers on topics including Anatomy, Physiology, Forensic Medicine, Cancer Biology, Cardiology, Community medicine, Dermatology, Dentistry, General Medicine, Neurology, Obs & Gynae, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics etc. and para clinical studies, theories and policies related the academic discipline of allied health sciences including Medical Lab. Technology, Emergency Medical technology, Operation Theater Technology, Physiotherapy, Optometry, Radiology and Imaging Technology, Dialysis Technology and Health Information Management Technology etc. International journal of medical and allied health sciences also acts as an interactive forum for primary care providers, policy makers, health care administrators, community leaders during this COVID-19 pandemic. The journal publishes full length articles, short communications, and current perspectives as well as appropriate review articles. The journal is published online and quarterly basis.
Journal Particulars
Title: International Journal of Medical and Allied Health Sciences
Frequency: Quarterly
ISSN: 2583-1879
Chief Editor: Dr. Bhagat Singh, Ph.D.
Starting year: 2021
Subject: Medical and Allied Health Sciences
Language: English
Publication format: Online
Email id: editor@ijmahs.org
Website: https://ijmahs.org/
Call for Papers: (Volume-5, Issue-1 (Jan-Mar. 2025)
Issue: Vol-5, Issue-1 (Jan-Mar 2025)
Manuscript submission last date: 31 March 2025
Communication of decision: 1-2 weeks
Publication of Issue: 15 April 2025
The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts (review/research/case report) that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence in the subject areas of Medical and Allied Health Sciences for publication.
 Manuscript can be submitted online at https://ijmahs.org/
E-mail: editor@ijmahs.org to the Editor IJMAHS.
Indexing And Abstracting
All articles published in International Journal of Medical and allied Health Sciences will be available under following abstracting and indexing databases: